Privacy Policy


At Groton School, we care about your privacy. 本隐私声明提供有关您使用我们的服务时我们的隐私惯例的信息. When we say Services, we mean the websites and apps owned or controlled by us, including the main Groton website, (the Site), and apps that we make available to students and parents, such as myGroton, hosted by Blackbaud, and the Magnus health portal. This Notice does not apply to information we collect offline, such as in-person or through mail, including information we collect offline from our students. 它也不适用于从现任或前任雇员那里收集的或易胜博app安卓下载现任或前任雇员的信息, contractors, volunteers, or applicants for employment.

When we use the term “Personal Information,我们指的是与已识别或可识别的自然人相关的信息.

What Information Do We Collect About You?

Information You Provide to Us on the Site
  • 当您通过网站与我们沟通或提交查询表格时, we may collect your contact information, the content of the communication, 以及与通信相关的任何其他信息,例如您的兴趣信息, education, family information, and other information you provide. 我们可能会酌情使用您提供的信息来回复您的查询或请求.
  • When you submit identifiable comments, forms, or other content to us on the Site, 我们收集您提供的任何信息,并使用该信息与您沟通, if requested, or otherwise fulfill the purpose of the content submission.
  • When you give online, we collect billing information, gift designation, and other information related to your gift.
  • 当你从网站的易胜博app安卓下载商店购买物品时, 我们收集有关您的购买信息以及运输和账单信息.
Information We Collect Through Our Apps
We use apps, such as myGroton and the Magnus health portal, to facilitate our communications with students, parents, and alumni and to enhance their experience at Groton. In most cases, the information we collect on these apps is provided directly by you; however, 我们也可能从其他人那里收集应用程序中使用的信息, such as parents, teachers, medical professionals, and other third parties. The information we collect through our apps includes:
  • When you log in, 我们可能会收集您的用户名、密码及其他资料,以核实您的身份.
  • When you communicate with us, 我们可能会收集您的联系信息和您的通信内容.
  • When you complete a form, the information you provide.
  • Other information you or third parties may provide, such as: contact information like your name, home address, email address, and phone number; demographic information, such as gender, age, and other information you share; payment information, if you make a purchase from us; education history, such as prior schools, transcripts, awards, and honors; health and dietary information; and your image.
Information We Collect During the Admission Process
我们在录取过程中通过我们的服务收集信息. For example, as part of the admission process, 如果您在本网站向我们提交查询表格,我们可能会直接向您收集信息. Additionally, 我们可能会从第三方来源(如Gateway to Prep Schools)和入学考试提供商(如Enrollment Management Association)收到与入学相关的信息, which administers the SSAT. If you are admitted to Groton, 我们将在使用我们的服务时进一步处理这些信息.

When you use our Services, 我们使用各种技术自动收集其他类型的信息, such as:
  • Logging Functionality与大多数网站一样,我们会自动收集某些信息并将其存储在日志文件中. This information may include IP addresses, browser type, Internet service provider, referring/exit pages, operating system, date/time stamp, and/or clickstream data. 我们通常仅出于安全等目的使用这些数据, fraud detection, and protecting our rights.
  • Cookies and Other Data Collection Technologies: We and our service providers use cookies, scripts, 以及类似的技术来管理我们的网站,并收集有关您和您使用我们网站的信息. These technologies help us to recognize you, customize or personalize your experience, 并分析我们网站的使用情况,使其对您更有用. 这些技术还使我们能够汇总人口统计数据,并将这些信息提供给我们的服务提供商,以方便他们提供服务. 有关我们如何使用cookie和其他数据收集技术以及如何控制此类使用的更多信息, see below.
  • Location Information我们可能会使用您的IP地址来识别您访问我们网站的一般地理区域.

How We Share and Disclose Your Information
  • Within Groton School我们可能会与易胜博app安卓下载单位和控制实体(统称)共享您的信息, “Groton Entities”). 
  • Service Providers:我们可能会向第三方服务提供商披露您的信息,以向我们提供网站托管等服务, 专业服务,包括资讯科技服务及相关基础设施, email delivery, auditing, marketing and analytics, and other similar services. 
  • Social Media Platforms我们也可能使用第三方(如社交媒体平台)提供的服务,在第三方平台上提供有针对性的广告或赞助内容.
  • Other Legal Reasons: In addition, 我们可能会在我们认为必要或适当的情况下使用或披露您的个人数据:(1)根据适用法律的要求, including laws outside your country of residence; (2) to respond to requests from public and government authorities including public and government authorities outside your country of residence; (3) to comply with subpoenas and other legal processes; (4) to pursue available remedies or limit damages we may sustain; (5) to protect our operations or those of any of our affiliates; (6) to protect the rights, privacy, safety, or property of Groton Entities, you, and others; and (7) to enforce our Terms of Use.

Cookies and Related Technologies
How we use Cookies:
我们使用cookie及相关技术(“cookie”)提供服务, 收集信息,并在用户浏览网站时增强和个性化体验, to understand usage patterns, and to improve our Sites. To find out more about cookies, visit


Essential Cookies这些cookie是通过我们的网站向您提供服务并使用其某些功能所必需的. 因为这些cookie对于提供网站是绝对必要的, 你不能拒绝他们,否则会影响我们网站的运作.

Performance and Functionality Cookies这些cookie用于增强我们网站的性能和功能,但对网站的使用并非必需. 但是,如果没有这些cookie,我们网站的某些功能可能无法使用.

Analytics and Customization Cookies这些cookie收集的信息用于帮助我们了解我们的网站是如何被使用的,或我们的营销工作的有效性,或帮助我们为您定制我们的网站,以增强您的体验.

Targeting Cookies: These cookies record your visit to our Sites, the pages you have visited, 以及您所遵循的链接,以识别您是以前的访问者,并跟踪您在本网站和您访问的其他网站上的活动. 这些cookie被称为持久cookie,因为它们保留在您的设备上,供我们在下次访问我们的网站时使用. You can delete these cookies via your browser settings. 有关如何控制第三方目标cookie的详细信息,请参阅下文.

我们也可能允许第三方在我们的网站上使用cookie来收集您在不同时间和不同网站上的在线活动信息. 此信息可用于在您访问的网站上提供适合您兴趣的广告, also known as interest-based advertising, and to analyze the effectiveness of such advertising.

How to control Cookies:
You can review your Internet browser settings, typically under the sections “Help” or “Internet Options,,以行使您对某些cookie的选择,或者您可以选择不收集和使用这些信息 Network Advertising Initiative opt-out page. If you disable or delete certain Cookies in your settings, you may not be able to use features of the Sites. 

We use Google Analytics, 它使用cookie和类似的技术来收集和分析有关网站使用的信息,并报告活动和趋势. 本服务还可能收集有关使用其他网站的信息, apps, and online resources. 了解更多易胜博app安卓下载谷歌使用cookie进行分析的信息,并对这些cookie进行选择, you may visit, 您也可以通过下载Google Analytics(分析)选择退出浏览器插件来选择退出, available at

上述选择退出是特定于设备和浏览器的,可能不适用于所有设备. If you choose to opt out through any of these opt-out tools, this does not mean you will cease to see advertising. 相反,你看到的广告将不是基于你的兴趣.

Other Websites
Some of our Sites contain links to other sites, including Social Media sites, whose information practices may be different from ours. 您向其他网站提交的信息将受其他网站的隐私政策和条款的约束, 在提供信息之前,你应该仔细阅读这些条款.

Social Media Sites 
您可以通过各种社交媒体网站(例如.g., Facebook, Twitter, Instagram). 请记住,您发布的任何信息将成为公开可用,所以请谨慎使用. We are not responsible for the collection, usage, 以及这些网站的披露政策和做法(包括数据安全).

Managing Your Communication Preferences
We may contact you by email regarding emergencies, news, events, and ways you may support Groton School; however, 只有当你想听到我们的消息时,我们才会与你沟通. 如果您希望通过我们的邮件列表选择不接收我们的这些通信, 您可以随时通过点击我们发送给您的电子邮件中的“取消订阅”,并按照屏幕上的说明进行操作. 我们强烈建议社区成员不要选择退出,因为他们可能会错过紧急或其他重要的通信.

Information Protection
本网站有适当的安全措施,以帮助防止损失, misuse, and alteration of the information under our control. 然而,没有一种通过互联网传输的方法或电子存储的方法是100%安全的. 

Cross Border Transfers
本网站由我们在美国控制和运营,并不打算使我们受制于任何州的法律或管辖权, country, or territory other than that of the United States. 您通过使用本网站提供给我们的任何信息都可能被存储和处理, transferred between, and accessed from the United States and other countries, 哪些地方可能无法保证你的个人资料得到与你所居住的地方相同的保护. However, 无论您的个人资料储存/查阅于何处,我们都会按照本私隐声明处理您的个人资料.

Data Subject Rights
根据您的居住地,您可能拥有某些数据主体权利. These rights vary by state and country, but they may include the right to: (i) request access to and rectification or erasure of their personal information; (ii) restrict or object to the processing of their personal information; and (iii) obtain a copy of their personal information in a portable format. 个人也有权就个人信息的处理向数据保护机构提出申诉. 我们不会因为你行使这些权利而歧视你, for example, by charging a different price or denying goods or services.

How to Exercise Data Subject Rights:
If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please email with the phrase “Data Subject Rights” in the subject line. We will review your requests and respond accordingly. 此处所述的权利不是绝对的,我们保留在这方面法律赋予我们的所有权利. 在许多情况下,这些权利不适用于像易胜博app安卓下载这样的非营利实体. Additionally, 如果我们仅以去识别的形式保留您的个人信息, 我们不会尝试在回应资料主体权利要求时重新识别您的资料.

如果您提出与您的个人信息相关的请求, we will need to verify your identity. To do so, 我们将要求您匹配您以前提供给我们的特定信息, as well as, in some instances, 您必须提供一份签署的声明,以伪证罪论处,声明您是被要求提供个人信息的消费者. 如有必要向您收集其他信息, 易胜博app安卓下载将仅将这些信息用于核实目的,并将在满足要求后尽快删除这些信息. For requests related to particularly sensitive information, we may require additional proof of identification.

如果您通过授权代理人提出资料当事人权利要求, 我们将要求代理人被授权代表你方行事的书面证明.


Changes to this Notice
This Privacy Notice may be amended from time to time. Any such changes will be posted on this page.

Effective Date
The effective date of this notice is 11/2/20.